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Abstract HD WallPapers

Very often, it is impossible to describe in words what our soul and mind are overwhelmed with; it might be a million times more difficult to express it on canvas. How to depict frustration, despair, and disappointing; how to picture that you are overflowed with love, tenderness, and passion; how to represent abandoned hilarity, joy, and ringing laughter…

Some people – abstract artists – found the way of expressing the things that, as it seems, defy description in any form. They weren’t afraid of experimenting with shapes, forms, proportions, and colors. This has made them and their works totally innovative; though, incomprehensible and strange for many people. However, for others, they were geniuses and the brave who have represented the world like nobody has done before.

They showed that life isn’t just what we see, but it is more what we feel. That’s why each viewer interprets abstract pictures differently finding their own sense in them.

Today, we can enjoy abstract wallpapers created with the help of computer technologies, too, – color saturation and line sharpness fascinate. Despite their huge discrepancy with abstract paintings, abstract wallpapers are beautiful in their own way.

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